viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010

Presentación bilingüe en el CAP

Voces y miradas de Venezuela 2010

Presentación bilingüe a cargo de la Dr. Carol Marujo en el Centro de Amigos para la Paz.

Jueves 7 de octubre a las 2 p.m

Costado Oeste de los Tribunales de Justicia, San José, calle 15, calle sin salida, entre avenidas 6 y 8

Tel. 2233-2693

Dr. Marujo travelled to Venezuela this year with a delegation of the School of the Americas Watch organization and met many people who told her how their lives have changed since the Venezuelan Bolivarian revolution eleven years ago.

SOA Watch was founded twenty years ago by Maryknoll priest, Fr. Roy Bourgeois, to close the notorious U.S. Army’s school for training Latin American military and police. Many of the school’s graduates have returned to their countries to commit human rights atrocities and lead coups against
democratically-elected governments.

In Venezuela, the United States has spent $50 million of taxpayer money to fund a campaign of mis-information to discredit any positive news about the current gpvernment. While Dr. Marujo does not claim that Venezuela is problem-free, this presentation is to give voice to various points of view
and counter the many lies.

Following the presentation of about an hour, the audience will have an opportunity to ask questions and make comments.

Sofía Flores Solórzano
Coordinadora Centro de Amigos para la Paz
Tel 22336168

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